API Documentation
Getting Started
Terms & Definitions

Terms & Definitions

  • Measures (also known as Health Measures) are indicators of or associated with population health.

  • Populations describes which segment of the population the measure is describing (e.g., "Hispanic", "Ages 18-24", etc).

  • Population Categories (also known as Population Groups) further organizes populations into categories such as race, age, gender, income and education.

  • Reports are a collection of Measures that were gathered within a specific time range (e.g., "2023 Annual Report" (opens in a new tab), "2023 Senior Report" (opens in a new tab)).

  • Report Types further organizes reports into categories without a specified time range (e.g., "Annual", "Senior").

All data presented on the America’s Health Rankings platform is secondary data, except for the 'state rankings' index measures.